AI is Changing Business. Are You Ready?
In a world where AI is surging, our innate human intuition is becoming more crucial than ever before. An AI class just for you Artificial Intelligence...
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Graphic Design: Setting Tone and Mood On Your Site
As the Internet continues to develop and evolve and show us new ways to market, we're continually finding new ways of "embedding" messages into our co...
How to structure your all-important offer! (in 90 seconds)
Your offer is the entry point into the sales process. A good offer sets up success; a lackluster one doesn’t. Here are best practices: A good offer co...
AI is Changing Business. Are You Ready?
In a world where AI is surging, our innate human intuition is becoming more crucial than ever before. An AI class just for you Artificial Intelligence...
Optimize Your Website Design
Greetings, and welcome back for the last of our articles talking about website redesign. We pretty much wrapped it up in the last blog, but I wanted t...
Is It Time For a Website Redesign?
You'd have to be pretty satisfied with the performance of your website not to occasionally look at it and wonder if it's time to redesign it. After al...
Create Content for the Three Initial Marketing Stages
Hey, here's a riddle for you: What is the single most important part of your business, which will always be beyond your control? The answer? Your cust...
Six Words to Sell Absolutely Anything
Everybody sells. Kids sell parents on the toys they want, what to eat for dinner and the games they want to play. Wives sell husbands on chores that n...
Get in the habit of quick, instinctual decision making (in 30 seconds)
When was the last time you overthought your marketing, business, or anything else for that matter? For most business owners this is a problem of epic ...
INTENT - the all-important posture of communication (in 30 seconds)
When you communicate with people they can tell where you are at, they can "read between the lines." Your clients and prospects know the intent behind ...
When Selling Focus on the Large Picture Benefit for Your Client
When you've been selling something, you've probably had this happen: You lead off with your best pitch. The customer seems interested, but a bit hesit...
Navigating The SEO Data Maze
When new online entrepreneurs get into Internet marketing, they get excited about the possibilities it holds. Internet marketing is more statistics-ba...
Combining marketing with intuition
What happens when you combine tried and true marketing procedures with a growing intuitive genius aimed at material success? The answer is of course: ...
What is intuition?
Albert Einstein said: "The only really valuable thing is intuition." Why? Science has found that our physical world is made of atoms that are 99.9999%...
Why Steve Jobs was big on INTUITION
Steve Jobs said: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want. Everything else is secondary.” W...
Are you kidding? Of course you're a Genius!
Albert Einstein said: "Everyone's a Genius!" If you doubt it you might like to know the Yogis agree. They say the human mind / body system is the most...
From Vision to Results (read in 30 seconds)
Getting real-world results from the vision in your head and heart is charted in the list below. Vision informs goals. Goals lead to planning. Planning...
Ode to Cashiers
Ode to Cashiers Your job is to serve people John Q. Public You come to work with a smile when you can When you can’t muster a grin you come to serve Y...
On the Internet Content Strategy is King
We've probably all seen it as we've browsed company websites: the blogs that, clearly, no one reads. You find a nice-looking site, it seems to have go...
Back Links – The Big SEO Muscle
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains the best technique anyone has yet come up with for getting your website noticed online. However, SEO isn't pe...
Steve Jobs – Perhaps the greatest marketing man of all time
I'm more affected by the passing of Steve Jobs than I ever expected to be and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm in the marketing business and I...
There's more to Social Media than Facebook and Twitter 1: Reddit
So, when companies talk about leveraging social media marketing, generally they just stick to talking about Twitter and Facebook. However, there are s...
Embracing Intuition in the Age of AI Advancements
In a world where AI is surging, our innate human intuition is becoming more crucial than ever before. Let's delve into why expanding our intuitive abi...
How to thrive in the new economy
We going through a transition from an economy built on competition and life destroying practices to commerce based on healthy rivalries, cooperation a...
Perennial questions from a business point of view
All the versions of "perennial questions" I've seen revolve around the most basic human concerns: who or what are we, how did we come to be here, and ...
The top ten lead generation techniques
If you want more clients for your business lead generation is on your mind. Here are the top ten lead-gen categories to consider when promoting your b...
When it's ethical and proper to apply sales pressure
There are times when it is ethical and proper to use pressure when selling. This is when you are acting as a friend to the person you're speaking with...
The convention of horrible marketing (don't do this)
Back in the days when MacWorld Conventions roamed the earth I drove down to the Moscone Center in San Francisco to see what the buzz was about. My ult...
The proper foundation for selling
FYI — I learned this from John Rosso, he was a trainer at the Sandler Sales Training School, one of the biggest in the world. John taught that setting...
Rely on your Incivible Innocence when Selling
The way you say things is actually more important than what you say. Science studies confirm this and it is especially true when selling a product or ...
The Problem with NOT Starting at the Beginning (in 30 seconds)
It happens almost every time in sports, business and life: the team with the best fundamentals wins. Click HERE to see a representation of NOT startin...
Golden Ratio: Better Planning / Greater Prosperity
The quality of your planning is directly related to your level of success. Dwight Eisenhower said: "Plans soon become irrelevant, the process of plann...
How to bring the Steve Jobs effect to your business. (in 30 seconds)
The people who worked with Steve Jobs teased him about having a Reality Distortion Field because he made the "impossible" happen so many times. In my ...
The creative side of step-by-step planning (in 30 seconds)
Buckminster Fuller: "To change an existing paradigm focus on building an entirely new one." This is the epitome of creativity. But the creative proces...
Are compulsions interfering with your prosperity? (in 30 seconds)
My most recent go-to compulsive behaviors have been TV and food. When it all gets to be "too much" the place I've gone has been zoning-out in front of...
Cultivate the pure focus of timelessness (in 50 seconds)
Pure mental focus leads to a feeling-state of timelessness. These tools are the life-blood of creativity. If you are creating a new business you undou...
The four M’s of a well-rounded business. (in 60 seconds)
The four M’s of a well-rounded business are: Mindset, Management, Marketing and Making good Mindset Positive thinking is good — however — your conscio...
Manage your resources systematically (in 30 seconds)
Your two main resources are time and money. In my last Blog I talked about the need for planning and scheduling, which is a big part of managing resou...
Cultivate spontaneous intuition to manage your business (in 45 seconds)
Buckminster Fuller’s examination of the diaries of world’s great scientists and inventors revealed all the greats had one thing in common: spontaneous...
Plan for SUCCESS in your enlightened business. (in 30 seconds)
Your vision for your enlightened business is bold: you want to help people heal, succeed or awaken! The numeric goals that align with your vision carr...
Why JOY helps you build your enlightened business. (in 45 seconds)
Joy, love and courage are allies in building your enlightened business. Your biggest obstacle is fear: fear of failure, fear of being seen as less-tha...
What is an Enlightened Business? (in 30 seconds)
Here is the short version of what an enlightened business looks like: A business that hurts no one and benefits everyone and everything An organizatio...
The single highest business best practice. (in 30 seconds)
Marketing that feels good to you and your potential clients is simply more effective and profitable. It is your best, best-practice, Here's some backu...
Single Most Important Key to a Great Marketing Headline. (30 seconds)
Relevance The single most important key to writing a great marketing headline is talking about something your audience cares about. This means it’s a ...
Your mind is magic — find out why. (in 30 seconds)
Your mind is magic. You have a “reality distortion field” just like Steve Jobs. Perhaps yours is not as powerful as his was, but you have one. Steve s...
The three essentials of scaling your business. (in 60 seconds)
You’ve had it being a solo-preneur. You want to grow your business. Of all the things that demand personal growth in the world of business (and just a...
Making step-by-step procedures for your service. (in 30 seconds)
You’ve got clients and they’re getting results, now it’s time to formalize the processes you use to create success. Sometimes consultants and solo-pre...
IMPORTANT: Measure your marketing. (in 30 seconds)
Now that you’ve taken action it would be a good idea to measure what happened. If you are smart you’ve tested different headlines for lead generation ...
Chronicle your happy-customer statements. (in 30 seconds)
The results your clients are experiencing speak for themselves. They are happy campers and they’re telling you about it. Don’t forget to chronicle the...
Deliver on promises and they’ll sing your praises. (in 30 seconds)
Ask yourself: How can I deliver my services so my clients get results and experience true satisfaction? • Are you signing the right kind of people int...
The all-important question of price! (in 40 seconds)
The price of your product or service sends a message to your prospective clients. What message do you want to send? When you “price to the value” of y...
You have leads; now nurture them (in 30 seconds)
Lead nurturing requires two things: 1) Content that helps your prospect relieve pain or realize gain 2) A caring attitude on your part An orientation ...
Top Three Lead Generation Techniques (in 30 seconds)
Here are the top three lead generation techniques: • Organic lead generation via social media (Ex: Facebook) • Paid ads (Ex Google or Facebook) • PR (...
Your Simple Marketing Plan (read in 30 seconds)
A good marketing plan is about two things: 1) The meaning you want to convey 2) The words and feelings you use to do this job Your business plan says ...
Your Business Plan (read in 30 seconds)
A good business plan is about two things: 1) It is about the people you are helping 2) And how you help them The more tightly you define the “who and ...
Three Essential Qualities of a Solopreneur (in 30 seconds)
Here are the three essential qualities of successful solopreneurs: Vision What does your true vision of success look like? Don’t hold back in fear you...
Intuition for Engineers
It sounded like a prison sentence. Here's what I heard recently from a client: "I guess I just need to sit and meditate for 30 minutes each day." His ...
Oops, I must have been sprayed with money repellant
The weird thing about it was it was so palpable. I could viscerally feel the glass ceiling holding me down like a trapped animal. I’d just gotten my a...
The Future of Business
The world is changing You've noticed that the world is changing. People are changing too and this means markets are changing. You need to keep pace. D...
Selling With Empathy
Empathy: noun the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is our base state. Human empathic abilities are always switched on;...
The Facebook Rumormill
People love talking about Facebook. Second perhaps only to Google, Facebook tends inspire a strange celebrity-like relationship where folks are consta...
On-Page SEO – The First Step to Ranking High on Google
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the true bread and butter of online marketing. Most web browsing still begins at search engines, and as more and m...
Where's the Beef? Adopting a Content Strategy for Your Site.
If you were alive and conscious throughout the 80s, you undoubtedly remember the famous series of ads that Wendy's ran asking "Where's the beef?" If y...
When Selling Keep the Long-Term Picture in Mind
Sometimes I wonder why there are so many poor salespeople in this world when, fundamentally, every person in sales is still a consumer the rest of the...
Website Redesign With the Customer in Mind
Welcome back! In our last blog, we started talking about whether it's time for your website to get a redesign. Just to recap, the our last blog boiled...
Two Internet Marketing Security Tips
Many of us who use our web sites to get more business for our companies will be aware that cyber theft is a very real threat to the health and welfare...
Managing Your Content Marketing Strategically
Well, we're nearing the end of our series on content strategy, but we've still got a couple more topics to cover. Today, we'll be expanding on some of...
How to Calculate Inbound Marketing Success
The pioneering ad man John Wanamaker once famously said “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don't know which half.” Thr...
Inbound Marketing Quick SEO Tip
As some of you know I present Internet marketing seminars for people who are looking to increase sales and profitability in their businesses. I also d...
Top Five Social Media Sites
There's a rather big, intimidating world of social media out there. With so many competing services all trying to draw in users and advertisers, it ca...
Make YouTube a Marketing Force for Your Business
When people are thinking about social media sites, there's a major one that often gets overlooked: YouTube. Honestly, it's not just about sharing cats...
How To Create A Content Strategy
In our last blog, we talked a bit about content strategies: how to make sure you know why you're engaging in content marketing, and making sure that t...
How to Buy Internet Marketing Services 2
We did a blog recently where we offered some general tips on how to search for an Internet marketing service. It's a daunting prospect for anyone, esp...
The Nuts and Bolts of Content Marketing
Today, we're continuing our series of high-level discussions about developing a content strategy for your website. As the title suggests, we'll be spe...
Content Marketing Execution: How to Interface with Your Writing Team
So, originally our discussion of content strategy was going to end on the post about CMSs and the editorial role, but I realized there was one serious...
Four ways Web automation systems drives up sales and profits
On the Internet, data is power. Your have huge amounts of information about each visit to your website, hidden away in server logs. Every moment a pot...
Three Questions To Ask Your SEO Company
Choosing a search engine optimization (SEO) company can be a daunting prospect. There are literally thousands of SEO companies online, all promising t...
Online marketing — two concepts you need to understand
Online marketing has some common misconceptions that I'd like you to think about. The two biggest mistakes people make is to think that Search Engine ...
Selling in a consumer empowered world
It's a hard-learned lesson that far too many businesses still cannot grasp: today's consumers are unique in the history of consumerism. With 75% of al...
Five questions for your web design company
Most people who are in business know they need a web presence. This means creating a website that will have one, or perhaps all, of the following: • D...
Marketing in the age of the Internet and Social Media
For years marketing has been a function of trying to determine what people want, crafting a message to speak to that need or desire, and pushing out a...
The missing link to Internet marketing success
If you're looking at doing your own Internet marketing, it's easy to find loads of advice about things like Search Engine Optimization and social medi...
The Facebook/Google Rivalry
So, we got a few emails about the posts we ran a little while back with our predictions for the future, wanting to hear more about the merging of soci...
SEO, Social Media, and Web-Automation Seminar
Need to get up to speed quickly in Internet marketing? This seminar will teach you the basics of Search, Social, and automation Systems. Quick Interne...
Are you overwhelmed with the details of marketing?
When I teach an Internet marketing seminar or talk with business owners, it's clear that people are overwhelmed with all the the things they need to d...
Questions to ask your web designer
Most people who are in business need a good web site. This means creating a site that will have most of the following: • A design that is attractive •...
Internet marketing's three most common errors
Internet marketing should be a part of any company's marketing strategy. The Internet is where business is done these days and where your clients and ...
Understanding Facebook Edgerank Part 2
Welcome back to the final part of our series on utilizing EdgeRank for Facebook marketing. If you missed it, in the first post we broke down what exac...
Top Five Facebook Marketing Mistakes
In the right hands, Facebook marketing can be a great tool for growing your business and driving organic traffic to your website. However, there are a...
Internet Marketing and Facebook Advertising
The art of advertising is not dead, it has simply taken a turn to digital. Here are the five steps you’ll need to take if you want to run a successful...
Farm for leads with 5 Proven Internet Marketing Methodologies
Marketing is a lot like farming. A knowledgeable grower knows he or she has to till the fields, fertilize, apply the right amount of water and then wa...
Google's Penguin Update and Your SEO
It's time to talk about that ol' black magic once more, and put a sort of cap on our mini-series of discussions about negative or "black hat" search e...
A Great Content Strategy Learning Experience
Just a couple of days ago I returned from Portland's LavaCon and Content Strategy Workshops. It was a fantastic week of workshops and learning session...
Is cloud computing important for marketing your business?
Last week I attended the biggest cloud computing convention in the world—a trade show called Dreamforce. Why should you care? Because cloud computing ...
There's more to Social Media than Facebook and Twitter 3: Foursquare
One of the most interesting directions social media has gone in the last couple years is mobile. That is, social media services and applications which...
The Future of Internet Marketing Part 2
"And now the great seer, soothsayer, sage and former financial adviser to the Greek government, Carnac the Magnificent!" -Ed McMahon Welcome back to t...
The Future of Internet Marketing Part 1
"Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives..." - The Amazing Cr...
Six Top Facebook Marketing Best Practices Part 2
Hello again! This is the concluding post in our series on Facebook marketing best practices. As we said last time, this is an exciting, ever-changing ...
Three Hot Facebook Marketing Tips
There's a lot more to Facebook marketing than just posting clever status updates and your favorite pictures. Once you dig beneath the surface a bit, t...
When planning your marketing think "Apps"
The Internet is no longer an optional avenue for you to market your business—it is a must! "Apps" which is short for "Computer Software Applications" ...
Graphic Design: Setting Tone and Mood On Your Site
As the Internet continues to develop and evolve and show us new ways to market, we're continually finding new ways of "embedding" messages into our co...
How to structure your all-important offer! (in 90 seconds)
Your offer is the entry point into the sales process. A good offer sets up success; a lackluster one doesn’t. Here are best practices: A good offer co...
AI is Changing Business. Are You Ready?
In a world where AI is surging, our innate human intuition is becoming more crucial than ever before. An AI class just for you Artificial Intelligence...
Optimize Your Website Design
Greetings, and welcome back for the last of our articles talking about website redesign. We pretty much wrapped it up in the last blog, but I wanted t...
Is It Time For a Website Redesign?
You'd have to be pretty satisfied with the performance of your website not to occasionally look at it and wonder if it's time to redesign it. After al...