Your mind is magic — find out why. (in 30 seconds)
Your mind is magic.
You have a “reality distortion field” just like Steve Jobs. Perhaps yours is not as powerful as his was, but you have one. Steve said: “people have the ability to shape the world around them, they just have to realize it.”
The Vacuum Tube Experiment backs up the above statement. In this experiment scientists vacuumed everything out of a tube except photons — the subatomic building blocks of our physical world.
The photons exhibited no particular order when left alone. When human DNA was introduced the photons coalesced in a pattern around it. Voila! The scientists saw how the magic of consciousness was shaping reality.
All human beings are creative (can shape reality) to some extent. Building a business is a great way to exercise this muscle. I support creativity toward the goal of empowering regular people like you and me to create a free, fair and prosperous world where nature’s wisdom is honored.
What do you want to create?
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