Why JOY helps you build your enlightened business. (in 45 seconds)
Joy, love and courage are allies in building your enlightened business. Your biggest obstacle is fear: fear of failure, fear of being seen as less-than and an underlying dread that something bad is going to happen.
The more you operate in joy the more powerful you become. This is because fear drains you and higher emotions make you stronger.
Dr. David Hawkins provides evidence for this in his map of consciousness. He developed the map through a scientifically rigorous application of kinesiology (muscle testing) that can be found in many of his books, most notably his premiere work: Power vs. Force.
His findings demonstrate two things:
- Lower emotional states drain you while the higher ones give you energy
- Most of humanity is operating at the level of fear
I highly recommend the book. You can look at his map HERE.
Climb the ladder of consciousness to build your enlightened business.
PS – Click HERE for a free copy of my leadership checklist.
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