Three Essential Qualities of a Solopreneur (in 30 seconds)
Here are the three essential qualities of successful solopreneurs:
What does your true vision of success look like? Don’t hold back in fear your dream is too audacious. Make your vision as big as it should be, but no bigger. The vision that is right for you feeds you joyful energy so you can create it.
Can-Do Attitude
Deep inside you is the knowledge that part of your birthright as a human being is that you are co-creating the world we live in. You have what it takes to mold some part of reality into a form that pleases you. So go do it!
Creativity is joyful, playful WORK! Look at every angle of a problem. Then, boil things down to experiment with the top choices. This requires time, energy and persistence. If you are not experiencing joy something is wrong.
And. . .
Put your dream on paper in words and sketches — there is magic in this! Be detailed with your description: include thoughts, feelings and emotions. The more you build it in your mind and heart, the more power you have to make it a reality in the world.
Practice these every day.
Graphic Design: Setting Tone and Mood On Your Site
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How to structure your all-important offer! (in 90 seconds)
Your offer is the entry point into the sales process. A good offer sets up success; a lackluster one doesn’t. Here are best practices: A good offer co...
AI is Changing Business. Are You Ready?
In a world where AI is surging, our innate human intuition is becoming more crucial than ever before. An AI class just for you Artificial Intelligence...
Optimize Your Website Design
Greetings, and welcome back for the last of our articles talking about website redesign. We pretty much wrapped it up in the last blog, but I wanted t...
Is It Time For a Website Redesign?
You'd have to be pretty satisfied with the performance of your website not to occasionally look at it and wonder if it's time to redesign it. After al...