Are compulsions interfering with your prosperity? (in 30 seconds)
My most recent go-to compulsive behaviors have been TV and food.
When it all gets to be "too much" the place I've gone has been zoning-out in front of the TV and munching on something salty, like potato chips, followed by a sweet health food bar. Some people like shopping, drugs or alcohol. I've done all these.
With time and effort my compulsions have become less of a problem, although just last night I ate in front of my book — a definite upgrade from TV.
Being in business is about your ability to replace less than useful behaviors with habits that are highly useful, strategic and targeted to a goal.
Here are three levels of business success for you to chew on:
- Learning the processes and procedures needed to run a business
- Getting good at the skill sets required to put these into play effectively.
- Coming into your own as a conscious, sovereign and creative being with the ability to put your unique stamp on all of the above.
Compulsions get in the way of consciousness — we are all on this continuum, your position is not fixed — and you have a say in the direction you travel!
To your growth through the vehicle of business.
PS - See the replay of my free seminar: Plan for SUCCESS in Your Enlightened Business.
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