Marketing Mix
On the Internet, like any other military campaign, you need to pick your battles wisely. Do you have enough power to wage a campaign that makes you king of the highest mountaintop? Or will you need to be satisfied with being a prince? Is it more realistic to try to become a king on some of the hills leading up to the mountain? When you enter the world of search engine optimization, these become your concerns.
With a good SEO strategy, you can raise your page rank on search engines like Google. The higher you rank, the easier it will be for people to find you when they enter relevant search terms into their search engine. SEO is one of the linchpins of an Internet marketing strategy. About 25% of your page rank comes from the relevancy of the words that are visible on your website pages. The other 75% of your page rank comes from the quantity and quality of the “back links” connected to your site.
Back links happen when someone reads your website and likes what you have to say. They then create a link on their site that will take people to your posting. Search engines like Google give you a lot of credit for the respect that other Internet users give you in the form of back links, thereby greatly enhancing your page rank.
Blogging is the most important thing you can do to create back links to your site. With the authority of years of research and thousands of test sites, Hubspot recommends at least 10 blogs per month to significantly raise your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your site.
When you blog, about one third of your time should be spent writing your blog, another third reading others’ blogs, and the last third commenting on blog sites you respect. When you write a good quality blog relevant to your industry, and then go onto somebody else’s site and reference your blog in a way that is relevant and meaningful, you are very likely to attract back links that have a high quality (or “authority”) ranking by Google.