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Marketing to people who don’t want or need what you sell is a waste of time and money; so is marketing to people who can't afford your product or service. This is often overlooked. Find the people who want what you offer — the more they need you the better. This sounds simplistic but it is one of the most common mistakes. Develop an in-depth profile of your target audience.

What does an in-depth target audience profile look like?

Picture in your mind several types of people who might buy from you. These could be people who are already your customers. From these images construct a persona for the types of people who might become valued customers of yours. One such persona might be an “educated consumer,” others might be called “has immediate need,” “easy to get along with,” or “hard-nosed businessman.” All of these can make great customers.

Create your personas so you will be ready for the people who make up the life blood of your business. Also look our for those who may waste your time. These might sound like: “price shopper,” “hesitant executive,” “tire kicker,” or “not a good fit.” Learn to deal with these people kindly and efficiently. 

Personas should have information on age, sex, race, culture, where prospective clients live, where they work, places they frequent, hobbies, patterns, the industry they work in, and their personal needs, wants and aspirations. This may sound like a lot of work, but can you think of a better way to set the tone for trying to relate with these people?

You need to know how you can help these people relieve a pain, satisfy a need or seize an opportunity. Once you have done your homework you’ll be prepared to engage each of these types of people and when you do you’ll see the fruits of your labor.

Whether you are planning a traditional or Internet marketing campaign, DeepSky Marketing can help you identify your target audience so you can capitalize on your marketing investment. Call DeepSky Marketing for a free consultation to evaluate your entire marketing process.