The Master Marketer BLOG, grow sales and profits in your business.

How to thrive in the new economy

Written by Jeffrey Schmidt | Tue, May 30, 2023 @ 07:34 PM
We going through a transition from an economy built on competition and life destroying practices to commerce based on healthy rivalries, cooperation and life affirming ones.

How to thrive in the new economy.

Take note of history
Once upon a time all you needed was a great product or service and people would hear about it through the grapevine. Then, advertising agents like J. Walter Thompson came into the picture and communication became a key leverage point. In 2020 customer experience outpaced price and product as key brand differentiators. Researchers say 70% of buying experiences are based on how customers feel they are treated and 55% would pay more to be treated better.

Buyers are pointing the way to the new economy. Three-quarters of Gen Z consumers say sustainability is more important than a brand name. 75% of Millennials are eco-conscious to the point of changing buying habits. In the new economy people want a great product or a service that takes a stand for justice and sustainability. After years of green-washing buyers also demand sincerity.

Buyers want it all
People want a great product or service, they want communication that makes it easy for them understand how an offering stacks up, they want to be treated with dignity and respect and they want to do business with people who are part of the bigger solutions of the world. Buyers want it all! On top of all this people are still shoppers and want a good deal.

Give them what they want 
Being in business today is more demanding than ever. Finding the people your product or service is best suited for is foundational. Another key element is explaining the benefits of your product or service. Sharpening your intuition is a high skill to learn. These are a few of the areas I'll cover in my upcoming free seminar. 

Webinar on Zoom
On Monday, June 5 at noon PT I'll be gifting you a seminar called: Close sales with Heartfelt and Intuitive Marketing. This webinar blends the best practices of logic with intuitive knowing. It helps you realize your potential clients are intuitive people and reaching them on this level is the next best practice we all need to get good at.

What you get
On the logical side you learn how to create a marketing message that speaks to the interests of your potential clients
• Identify the people you can help most
• Learn three top ways to find out what your clients want
• Discover the four essential steps of marketing messaging

On the intuitive side you are shown how to create communication that sticks by developing your heartfelt innocence and intuition   
• Attitude: Think that you can sharpen your intuitive gifts
• Process: Learn a three step process to connect with your intuitive powers
• Connect: Create a core marketing message of respect, innocence, and intuition
• Discover: The four pathways to intuitive knowledge for you and your clients

To register for this free seminar go to my events page.

I'll see you there!

Your Business Building Mentor.
